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​His Story

​It was my first semester at BYU Provo, as a new returned missionary when I met this one girl.  I had attended BYU-Idaho before my mission but decided to switch over.  This was an excellent decision.  Along with the new campus came a new ward and new atmosphere.  I plunged into my studies and kept up a fast pace with 16 credits and a 20 hr work week.  It was hard to find time to meet new people and have leisure time.  The first sunday of the semester I was assigned to home teach certain people in the ward.  This is when I first met Courtney, inside the relief society room.  I was intrigued by her and felt like I would get along with her.  Her personality seemed to be somewhat familiar to me.  My home teaching companion and I decided to make dinner for our home teachers one night.  Courtney was there and I again felt there was something about her that I wanted to learn.  

One night as I was doing my homework I got a text from Courtney asking me if I wanted to go see movie with her.  I was a little confused at first but excited to go.  I agreed and went with her.  It was an awesome night.  It gave us a chance to see how each other acted outside of church and home teaching.  I realized Courtney was a lot of fun.  After this I kind of had an idea that she liked me and I liked her.  Courtney and I have still never really agreed what our first date was but this is when things really started between us.  We started hanging out a lot and shared some funny times like having a fashion show at target.  We basically hung out together everyday and I even skipped a night class to spend time with her.  Along came Christmas break and Courtney came home with me to California.  I also flew to Virginia to visit Courtney's family.  Christmas break was amazing.  These visits really solidified our relationship.  


Winter semester began and things just kept getting better.  We both have hectic class loads and Courtney is working three jobs.  We still make time for each other and have fun.  I love Courtney so much and can't wait for what's in store for us. 




Her Story


I met Jonathan the first or second week of my junior year of college at BYU in church.  He came in at the end of Relief Society to introduce himself to me as my new home teacher.  Initially I thought he was a cute guy, but I didn't really think any further than that.  I got to know him a little bit through home teaching and we would be friendly and say "hi" when we saw each other on campus.  Then one Sunday he was home teaching me and all of a sudden I looked at him and was really interested in dating him.  I had been wanting to see the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower, so I decided to go see it the next night.  My roommates were busy, so I invited Jonathan to go with me.  We saw the movie on Monday November 12, 2012 and I think that is where our story really started.

After that night we were better friends.  Over Thanksgiving break we texted a little bit.  Then we came back to school and would make time to see each other every day.  We basically were dating without having gone on an official first date.  Jonathan then asked me out and on our first real date we had our first kiss, determined our relationship, and he told me he loved me twice.  I thought a lot about it and the next day I was able to tell him I loved him too and it has been all uphill from there.


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